Disclaimer & Privacy Statement



This website under the domain name “stor-energy.com” (the Website) is owned and operated by Stor-Energy Pty Limited. This Website Disclaimer applies to the Website and to the information, graphics, text, software, functionality and other materials on or available through the Website (Content).


The Content is for general reference and interest only unless clearly indicated otherwise. The Content does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, or advice regarding a specific matter, and it does not take into account your specific circumstances or needs. Before acting (including withholding action) in reliance on the Content or the Website, you should make and rely on your own enquiries in relation to, and in evaluation of, the Content including any information, predictions, opinions and statements contained in this Website. If you believe any Content is inaccurate or inappropriate, please let us know.

The Content is not intended to amount to an offer or inducement to enter into a specific contractual arrangement, or form part of our terms for providing services, unless clearly indicated otherwise. This Website Disclaimer itself is also not intended to form a contract between us.


The Website may contain links to third party websites. Our inclusion of these links is not intended to indicate that we sponsor or endorse the operators or Content of linked websites


The Website is subject to interruption, breakdown, viruses, delays, interception, interference and other errors involving communications networks, computer systems, servers, providers, computer equipment and software. We recommend that you use appropriate and up-to-date virus, security and intrusion prevention and scanning software in connection with your use of Website and the Content.

We reserve the right, without notice and in our sole and absolute discretion, to discontinue, suspend or terminate any service offered by or through the Website as well as the Website itself at any time.

Your Conduct

We do not authorise you to (either yourself or through any third party):

use any software, process, device or routine to interfere with the proper working of the Website;

use any robot, spider, screen scraper, data aggregation tool or other automatic device or process to monitor, copy, extract or process any Content without first obtaining our written agreement;

do anything that may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the bandwidth or infrastructure of the Website;

upload, email or otherwise transmit any material which is illegal, harmful, abusive, threatening, offensive or in breach of any person’s rights, including material which contains viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other malicious code.

Intellectual Property

We own or licence trade marks used on this Website. We do not authorise you to use those trade marks without our or the trade mark owner’s consent.

We own or licence the copyright in the Content, unless indicated otherwise. Except where necessary for viewing the Content in your browser, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws or this Website Disclaimer, we do not authorise you to reproduce, adapt, link to, frame, perform in public, distribute, transmit, upload to a third party, decompile or reverse engineer the Content without our or our licensors’ prior written consent (as appropriate).

Limitation of Liability

We exclude, to the full extent permitted by law, all liability to any person for loss or damage of any kind (however caused, including by negligence) arising from or relating in any way to any Content or the Website. Where you have rights under any law which may not lawfully be excluded, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, our liability for breach those rights will, at our option, be limited to the supply of any relevant services again or the payment of the cost of having them supplied again.

Privacy Statement


This policy is intended to help you understand how Stor-Energy Pty Ltd and its affiliates (the Company) manage the personal information about you that we collect, hold, use and disclose, how you can seek access to and correction of that information and, if necessary, how you can make a complaint relating to our handling of that information.

We are serious about our responsibility to protect your personal information and manage it consistently with the Privacy Act and other relevant legislation. The Company is committed to maintaining the privacy of our clients. Unless stated otherwise, this policy is relevant to the personal information of both our current and former clients, as well as other individuals we may deal with (for example, guarantors, directors and shareholders relating to our clients, or individuals we deal with in other capacities as part of our business).

What types of personal information do we collect and hold?

The personal information we collect and how we do so will vary based on why we are collecting the information, for example, if you are a client it will depend on the product or service we are providing. Information we collect may include:

Information collected on application forms, questionnaires or other documentation or communications, such as your name, date of birth, residential and business addresses, telephone numbers, email and other electronic addresses, occupation, assets, expense, income, dependents and details about your business dealings and other events in your life

Information about your transactions and products with us, our affiliates, or third parties, such as account balances, payment history and details about account activity and product use

Sensitive information, including professional associations, membership of political associations, race, beliefs or health information. Unless required by law, we will only collect sensitive information with your consent

Government identifiers such as your tax file number, driving license number, ABN or passport number (for example, to verify your identity at the time you request a product or service)

Other information we think is necessary to your relationship with us such as the name and contact details of your professional advisers or representatives such as your solicitor or accountant information contained in identity documents that you may provide to us

In addition, all of our websites use a standard technology called “cookies” to collect information about how our websites are used, which may include your personal information. The use of cookies is essential to the operation of our websites. You may opt-out of receiving cookies by disabling cookie support but doing so may prevent our websites from functioning properly and you may not be able to use fully all of their features and information

We usually collect your personal information directly from you but sometimes we may need to collect personal information about you from third parties or publicly available records for example, we may use internet search engines, white pages, internet articles and social media when it is necessary for a specific purpose such as checking information that you have given us or where you have consented or would reasonably expect us to collect your personal information in this way.

Holding and protecting your personal information:

Your personal information may be held in physical or electronic form on our systems or the systems of our service providers and is protected by physical, electronic and procedural safeguards. We apply a need to know/need to have policy which means that individuals are only given access to the information that they require in order to perform their duties. We also require our service providers to follow appropriate standards of confidentiality and security when holding and processing your information.

Consequences of not providing your personal information

If you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to open an account for you; provide financial products and services; manage or administer your products or services; protect against fraud or let you know about other products or services that are available.

Purposes for which we may collect, use and disclose your personal information

We will collect personal information from you that is reasonably necessary for our business functions and activities and in accordance with the disclosed purpose.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties

We receive services from external service providers, and your information may be provided to them for this purpose. We may also disclose your personal information to third parties for the purposes listed above.

Third parties to whom we disclose your personal information may include any person to whom disclosure of your personal information is necessary in order for us to validly provide, manage, administer and/or enforce any services or transactions requested or authorized by you including:

  • custodian, registry and agents or brokers to whom we delegate any of our duties, functions or obligations under any of our agreements with you
  • any person with whom we enter into any contractual or other arrangement in relation to any of the services and facilities we provide or propose to provide to you including any guarantors, sureties, third party security providers and/or third-party service providers
  • participants in financial and payment systems, such as other banks, credit providers and clearing entities
  • organisations that maintain, review and develop our business systems, procedures and technology infrastructure, including testing or upgrading our computer systems
  • Legal, audit, settlement and valuation and any other professional service providers under a duty of confidentiality to us
  • Financial and other advisors, brokers and distributors who provide introducing services to us or to whom we provide introductions or referrals
  • Insurers, assessors and underwriters
  • Your guarantors and security providers
  • Government or regulatory bodies (including ASIC and the ATO) as required or authorized by law (in some instances these bodies may share information with relevant foreign authorities)
  • Fraud reporting agencies (including organisations that assist with fraud investigations and organisations established to identify, investigate and/or prevent any fraud, suspected fraud, crime, suspected crime or misconduct of a serious nature)
  • Organisations wishing to acquire an interest in any part of our business from time to time

Requesting Access to your personal information

You have the right to access information we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer whose contact details can be found below. We will endeavour to respond within 30 days and there is no charge for making such a request.

However to help us locate and provide the information you request we need you to be reasonably specific about the information you require and we will need to validate your identity (to ensure that we do not provide your information to anyone who does not have the right to that information).

There are some exceptions to your right of access to your personal information, factors affecting a right to access include where:

  • Denying access is required or authorized by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order
  • Access would prejudice enforcement activities or the taking of appropriate action in relation to unlawful activity or serious misconduct
  • The information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between you and the Company and would not be accessible by the process of discovery
  • The information would prejudice negotiations with you
  • Access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others
  • The information relates to a commercial sensitive decision-making process
  • Access would be unlawful
  • The request for access is frivolous or vexatious
  • We reasonably believe that access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual, or to public health or public safety
  • Opting out of product promotions

We may use your personal information for the purposes of marketing our products and services. You can opt out of receiving direct marketing material at any time by contacting us (see “contacting us” below). If you do opt out, we will continue to provide information in relation to your existing accounts or facilities only (including new features or products related to these accounts/facilities).

Complaints and disputes

If you believe that we have not complied with the Privacy Act in relation to your personal information please raise this in writing with the Privacy Officer.

We will investigate all complaints and aim to resolve them within 45 days. If we cannot resolve your complaint within this period we will notify you as to the reasons why, specify a date when we expect a resolution and seek your agreement to extend this 45 day period (if you do not agree, we may then not be able to resolve your complaint).

Contacting Us

If you wish to find out more information, or raise any specific or general concerns about the Company and our Privacy Policy and practices please contact:

Mr Gerard Dover

Director and Privacy Officer


Telephone – +61407282627

Email – [email protected]

We may make changes to this policy from time to time without notice, via uploading an updated version of the policy on our website.

This policy was last updated August 2022.
